A Health Coach is an individual who works side by side with you. They listen, educate, motivate, and encourage you by providing a safe place of trust and confidentiality.  Together goals are set, accountability is held, and through this unique partnership the Health Coach nurtures and guides you to your optimal level of health and wellness by addressing lifestyle environments, foods, and the importance of implementing self care.

Why a Health Coach?

As a Certified Health Coach, I take the time to listen to you and to help discover the areas in your life that you wish to improve. I meet you where you are in your health journey, and together we establish a relationship of committment and confidence.   

As a coach I focus on bio-individuality; big word, simply put, everybody is unique. What works for the health and wellness of your body may cause disease and havoc in your neighbor's body. There is no “one size fits all” to optimal wellness. 

Bio-Individuality consists of first identifying your Primary Food (ie. self care, exercise, home environment, career, etc.), your Secondary Foods (i.e. the food you ingest, fruits, veggies, chips, cookies, etc.) and then coming up with customized plans and goals that are specifically tailored to you and your makeup.

You just found out that you are sensitive to a list of foods. Where do you go from here? How do you navigate the simple task of eating going forward? With a Health Coach/Cooking Instructor the most daunting task can be broken down into manageable goals where eating on a restrictive diet can seem effortless! Soon you will be rejoicing that you CAN'T eat those certain foods because you will feel so much better.  Trust me, I've been there!

You are a parent, a spouse, a friend, a do-it-yourselfer who never stops running - so where do you find the time to take care of yourself? Every part of life seems to induce stress. When is it time to take a time-out and how do you even find these moments? Learn to find time to care for yourself and how critical it is.